July 2022 Edition

Prefects 2022-23

Congratulations to the following who have undergone a rigorous application process in order to make it through to being a School Prefect. I look forward to working with them for the good of all pupils at Stafford. The Head Boy and Head Girl will be determined after an additional round of interviews with external consultants.

  • Ayman Safraz
  • Dilantha Perera
  • Elakiyan ElangeswaranJai
  • Nimesh Amalean
  • Kaishory Balendran
  • Kashia Dias
  • Kavishka Kodikara
  • Nadil Perera
  • Nadinsa Perera
  • Nisha Nilaweera
  • Pravan Williams
  • Ramudhi de Silva
  • Rayanka Jayawardena
  • Sayuri Herath
  • Senuthi Seneviratne
  • ShenodhPeramunugama
  • Shihab Irshad
  • Sinthuriy Balendran
  • Vishan Liyanagoda
  • Yashan Perera

Parent Directory of Services

I am looking to pull together a Parent Directory of Services and skills that fellow parents might be able to utilise. As a family of pupils and parents we have a bond of unity and trust that goes much further than the traditional norm. As such I’m looking to help parents market their expertise or products through our trusted network. It may be you sell home made jams, or you run a hotel somewhere, or you are an accountant, architect or lawyer. To have a directory of our parents skills and products will be a great resource, for when we need something we know that we can go to one of our Stafford family and get great quality and assurance, as well as possibly a discount or deal. If you have anything you would like to include in this please email my PA Cheryl (cherylh@siscolombo.lk) who will pull this together. We will then publish this internally to our staff and parents only.

Please use the headings provided and keep it short and punchy, and we will let you know the results, as soon as they start rolling in.

Eton poaches Stafford International Teacher.
Eton – possibly one of the top schools in the world has reached out its long arm and poached one of our teachers for next year. We are delighted for Oshanthaka Cabraal who will be taking up a post teaching English there next academic year, but we are obviously sad to see him go as he has made a massive impact in his short time here. However, it goes to show that Stafford International School does have some of the very best teachers worldwide.

Extra Curricular Activities

We are excited to launch some new extra curricular activities for next academic year: Yoga for Juniors / Middle School: specific sessions aimed at the Junior School, and also the Middle School pupils run by an experienced practitioner (from Prana Lounge) who is an expert with younger children (Thursdays and Fridays 1:45-2:45) Cost 10,000 LKR for a 10 week programme of 10 sessions. Senior Yoga – sessions run by one of the leading Prana Lounge Yoga teachers (Arati). Day: tbc cost 10,000 LKR for a 10 week programme of 10 sessions.

Both are ideal for the stressful life we are having to lead at the moment

Additionally we are launching

  • A Cub Scout group at school
  • A Singithi group at school
  • Description of Singithi Cubs and Cub Scouts

Singithi Cubs and Cub Scouting build character in children between the ages of 5 – 11 years. It helps them to grow, build strong personalities, and be independent, confident, responsible, kind, considerate, and empathetic people while making a broader set of friends. It gives them a chance to pursue things they might not get to do otherwise, and a chance to have an extended family while getting exposed to challenges and important life skills.

It helps them convert their attitude from a “what can I get” to “what can I give”.

A cycling club

Details of how to sign up for the limited spaces in each will be sent out prior to term starting.


Ifthar at Stafford International School- April 2022

For the very first time in its history, the students of Stafford International School hosted an Ifthar at the school premises! Aiming to share and celebrate Islamic culture, the event was comprised of a variety of segments and attracted over 140 students and teachers. Amongst a variety of student participation an eagerly awaited item, the event’s guest speaker, Sheikh M Arkam Nooramith. Sheikh Nooramith, being a Member of Wakfs Board of Sri Lanka, a Member of Advisory Committee on Muslim Law reforms, and Director of Nooraniyyah Arabic College Matara. He has a master’s degree In Research Methodology in Traditional Islamic Scholarship, a Bachelor’s degree in Islamic studies, is a Hafeez, having memorised the Holy Qur’an, and was ideally suited to strengthen the knowledge of Staffordians on Islam.

Mr. Northcott stated: “When I speak to prospective parents about Stafford, I don’t begin with the exams or grades, because while those things are important, they aren’t the most important. I talk about how Stafford is a place that nurtures good values; those of kindness, of respect for each other, of community and love. And now, after attending this event and learning about Islam, I’ve found out that Islam is a religion that has these values at its core.”

At 6.20, the time of breaking fast, Abdur Rahman Fazl conducted the Azhan, the call for prayer. Several students eagerly broke fast and relieved their hunger and thirst in each other’s company, with the food and refreshments provided by the organisers.

Benefits for my staff

As you may appreciate now more than ever, the role of a teacher is difficult one, and one that while hugely rewarding, is not often well paid. I am looking for ways to reward my staff for their loyalty and hard work, and at the same time help you out during these difficult times.

As such if you are willing to offer my staff a discount for a service or item please can you let me know and I will pull together a directory of benefits for Stafford Staff only. This may be a discounted salon or spa experience, and discounted meal out on certain nights, a hotel offer, or an offer regarding your healthy food business. Whatever you feel able to offer we will gratefully receive it and pull them all together to let our staff know as a big thank you for their dedication and hard work. We also hope it might increase turnover for you too. Any such offers please can you email them to staffbenefits@siscolombo.lk.

New head of Teaching and Learning

We are delighted to announce that Michael Wijesuriya has agreed to take up the position of Head of Teaching and Learning at the School. Michael will oversee the development of teaching techniques throughout the school and in particular the IGCSE and AS/A2 cohorts, and our personal attention to detail to get the very best out of each and every pupil. We wish him the best of luck.


New Head of Careers

With Michael Wijesuriya taking on his new role we are delighted that Dr Sureshika Piyasena has agreed to use her extensive knowledge of Universities to run the Career programme at Stafford. In particular she will be keen to promote and get all sixth formers engaged with Bridge U our superb web based University programme. Well done


Planning to leave the School?

This is a polite reminder that when parents join and sign the terms and conditions, one central clause that is in common with schools across the world is the need to give a full term’s notice (in writing to the Admissions team) regarding leaving the school. If you don’t give a full term’s notice then you are liable for the next term’s fee, even if you are not planning to attend. So if you wanted to leave in January (of an academic year), you must give notice before the preceding term starts: so in August/ September. This is common with all schools across the world and is due to our fixed cost basis, and our need to manage our pupil numbers. I hope this helps in the rare situations where people decide to migrate or leave.

National Stage for Kaveen

student with certificate

Kaveen Kohombange came third in the Asian Junior Individual Championship 2022 for Squash , in the U13 category. The tournament took place in Thailand. A fantastic result at the very top level. We are very proud!

7.30 am lesson start in September

Just a reminder that we start our new school timetable next September which has lessons starting at 7.30am. Please make sure your children are in school BEFORE 7.30am. In most cases, lateness is often not down to the pupils, so please as adults try and make every effort to get them into school before 7.30am, as they will be noted down as late and will be missing lesson time, if they arrive after 7.30am.

Pick up times: Junior School 1.15pm (Yrs 1-4 have staggered times which will be notified separately) Middle and Upper School 1.30pm

The only exceptions are the Nursery and Reception classes who will inform you of their pick up times.

think through thick and thin

Have a great holiday - next term starts on Monday 29th August at 7.30am sharp.