
The right school for your child can make all the difference in his or her successful academic career. Choosing the right school is one of the most important decisions a family will make together. Stafford International School is one of Sri Lanka’s best international schools that you can consider for your children. Our admissions team is on hand all year round to help children and their families make an informed choice. We welcome visits from prospective parents and pupils and we accept admissions right through the academic year.

Please contact the Admissions team on or call the school on 011 269 4592 / 011 267 1734

We are fortunate to be a very popular school. We also do not want to get any bigger as this will dilute the family atmosphere that is so strong in our school. For admissions we will follow these rules when allocating places.

  1. We will give first preference to siblings who have brothers and sisters already in the school.
  2. Second preference will go to parents, one of whom is an old Staffordian and alumni.
  3. We will then operate a first come first served policy for the remaining places. So the earlier you apply, the better. To give you some idea, this year we were full on paper almost a year in advance.
  4. If you are unlucky enough not to be awarded an initial place we will put you on a waiting list, which will be based upon a first come first served policy. So again, we urge you to apply early.

We aim to be transparent in all our dealings and hope that this will be respected by everyone. Virtually all admissions take place in August / September at the start of the academic year, unless a vacancy turns up mid-year.

Simon Northcott
Stafford International School
Colombo 7

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Comparison Table of Educational Systems

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Stage 01

Stage 02

Stage 03