Be Kind

The Animal Rescue Club of Stafford International School worked on a project called “Be Kind”. The objective of this project was to motivate students to care for animals that they themselves may not own and help them promote the wellbeing of stray animals in the vicinity.

The members of the Animal rescue club were advised to feed a stray dog, cat, or bird in their vicinity.
“It’s painful to stay hungry and not be able to speak…”

This project was a beautiful act of kindness by the members of the Animal Rescue Club.

Our members felt a sense of joy when they accomplished this task. The compassion they have for animals is truly amazing. They still felt anxious for these animals it was heartbreaking for them to see the dogs in such a manner.

The members of the Animal Rescue Club have accomplished such a beautiful act of kindness by helping those who don’t have a voice. The members gave these animals a better tomorrow. This was truly a beautiful act of kindness that built the members not only as students but as the future of this world.

- Aiana Gonawela