Tips and Tricks for Christmas Decorating!

 “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” – Andy Williams

It’s a wonderful feeling to decorate your home for Christmas but doing so can be overwhelming. It’s an inescapable pressure we encounter throughout the Christmas season. These decorating tips are sure to make your holiday less stressful and bring more joy to your home this Christmas.

  1. Choose a color scheme and stick to it

Having a color scheme for your decorations will look amazing and it will tie it all together. Stick to 2-3 colors and make sure they match so that it does not look tacky. For example, golds and silvers work with any color scheme so think about including them.

  1. Know what decorations you have

After finding your desired color scheme, make sure you have decorations in that/those colors available. If not, make sure to purchase some. If your decorations are damaged and need to be replaced, replace them.

  1. Less is more!

There is no need to clutter up your space and make it look messy. The decorations don’t need to be extravagant they can be simple and look just as good! Make sure not to overcrowd the decorations as it will draw attention away from what should be capturing eyes. Add a wreath to the door or a garland up the banisters, whatever you do, make sure it looks festive.

  1. You don’t need to go over your budget

If you are looking to buy decorations, you would know they are not very cheap, especially if you need to stick to a budget. You don’t need to go over your budget to make your home look great for the holidays! You can always find decorations which fit your budget and your style, you can even DIY them!

  1. Decorate with your family

Decorating with your family will make decorating easier and reduce the amount of work you would have had to do if you were alone. It also helps you enjoy decorating. This can be made a special tradition to which families look forward to all year long.  Dedicate one day to decorate your home and make sure everyone is involved.  Some great memories could be made.

  1. Swap our normal items for Christmas themed items

Adding extra décor at Christmas can make it feel clustered. Why not swap out a few normal items for Christmas themed ones? You can change the look without adding more! Swap out cushions for festive ones! Use candles that have a Christmas themed scent! For example, Christmas cake. 

I hope these ideas make your Christmas less stressful. Enjoy putting up those decorations and have fun!

- Aiana Gonawela