Workshops on writing

We’ve read newspapers several times, but do we know what the structure of a newspaper looks like, the significance of the layout, and the way journalists approach writing?

That’s where the Media Club of SIS excels. On the 4th of December, the Club invited Ms. Marianne David, deputy editor of the Daily FT, to enlighten our media team on the aspects of a newspaper. This session aimed to develop members’ skills in writing articles, as well as to enrich their knowledge of the media world and satiate aspiring journalists.

The workshop kicked off at 4.30 PM. The presentation introduced the different sections of a newspaper and how they are prioritized, as well as the content and structure of these sections. Members learnt about the features of a good article and how one should be formatted, while a Q & A segment provided members with the opportunity to get their burning questions answered.

Members found the session helpful and extremely informative, a sentiment that will undoubtedly be echoed in our future articles! Stay tuned for more of the Media Club’s projects.

- Kashia Dias