July 2022 Edition


Eton poaches Stafford International Teacher Eton – possibly one of the top schools in the world has reached out its long arm and poached one of our teachers for next year. We are delighted for Oshanthaka Cabraal….
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Ifthar at Stafford International School- April 2022 For the very first time in its history, the students of Stafford International School hosted an Ifthar at the school premises!…
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Prefects 2022-23 Congratulations to the following who have undergone a rigorous application process in order to make it through to being a School Prefect.I look forward to working with them for the good of all pupils at Stafford…
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Parent Directory of Services I am looking to pull together a Parent Directory of Services and skills that fellow parents might be able to utilise. As a family of pupils and parents we have a bond of unity and trust that goes much further than the traditional norm…
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Extra Curricular Activities We are excited to launch some new extra curricular activities for next academic year: Yoga for Juniors / Middle School: specific sessions aimed at the Junior School, and also the Middle School pupils run by an experienced practitioner…
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New Head of Teahing and Learning We are delighted to announce that Michael Wijesuriya has agreed to take up the position of Head of Teaching and Learning at the School. Michael will oversee the development…
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New Head of Careers With Michael Wijesuriya taking on his new role we are delighted that Dr Sureshika Piyasena has agreed to use her extensive knowledge of Universities to run the Career
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Planning to leave the School? This is a polite reminder that when parents join and sign the terms and conditions, one central clause that is in common with schools across the world is the need to give a full term’s notice…
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National Stage for Kaveen Kaveen Kohombange came third in the Asian Junior Individual Championship 2022 for Squash , in the U13 category. The tournament took place in Thailand. …
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7:30 am Lesson start in september Just a reminder that we start our new school timetable next September which has lessons starting at 7.30am. Please make sure your children are in school BEFORE 7.30am….
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