June 2022 Edition


School Council We are excited about starting up a School Council next academic year. Dr. Sureshika Piyasena has agreed to Chair the council and it will include members of each class….
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Cricket Star at Stafford Tenushka from our Upper Sixth is a rising cricket star. As well as playing for the school he also represents the SSC under-23 team and the division 3 team…
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Successful Exams It is with great pride that we can inform you that despite all the hurdles we have had to face during these uncertain times, we have successfully conducted the external IGCSE/ AS/ A2 Level exams this year…
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Bullying It is with regret that I need to announce that I have taken the decision to suspend from school 8 pupils from Year 10 for cyberbullying.They have taken it upon themselves to pick on and be unkind to a number of pupils,…
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Computer Club work Well done to Andreo Niles in Year 5 who has worked extra hard to create the Olympic flag via Scratch (a computer programming code) If you would like to see what he has created click on the link…
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Speech and Drama success Both Siyath ( Year 11) and Inara (Year 7) have received top scores/ prizes in ‘Speech and Drama’.
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Nelson Mandela Exchange to Pakistan For similar reasons our planned exchange in September with a school in Pakistan (for next year’s Year 9) is going to have to be postponed.
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Anxiety Across the school we gave Class Teachers the time to talk to their pupils about what has been going on here in Sri Lanka, and to voice their concerns. We also got class teachers to talk to them about coping strategies…
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Borderlands Trips Sadly, we are going to have to cancel our two Borderlands trips planned for June 2022. The economic situation and the fact that they are based in US dollars means they are out of reach…
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Canteen: ‘Gami Gedara’ – Healthy food at School! ‘Gami Gedara’ is a Good Market Approved brand that makes healthy juices and a variety of nutritious foods and snacks from sustainably sourced local fruits and vegetables…
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