October 2022 Edition


Synchronised Swimming Congratulations to Lourdi Perera and her partner Jithmi (from CIS) were placed first in their duet in the Junior category. (16-18 years. Lourdi was placed 2nd in her Solo….
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Inter House Drama The Junior and the Intermediate drama competitions were completed successfully before exams. Due to the fuel crisis we couldn’t do the senior one- mainly due to the fact that they were completing…
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Suggestion Box I am delighted to announce that we have set up a suggestion box in reception. It is often the case that pupils make some really good suggestions that we can implement. Sometimes they are a little unrealistic…
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Parent Directory As mentioned last term I am keen to set up a Parental Directory of businesses and opportunities for both other parents and my staff. Being a Stafford International School Parent is a bit like being part of a well trusted and values driven club….
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Canteen Update We are delighted to have the Good Market providing healthy snacks and meals to our pupils in the canteen. It is vital that pupils have nutritious food so that they grow both mentally and physically. Educating pupils about healthy eating is also one thing we take seriously….
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Tennis victory Congratulations to all those who played so well when representing Stafford at the National Tennis Championships. Stafford is rapidly becoming THE place to come if Tennis is your sport….
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Womens Soccer Well done to the Girls Soccer Team who represented the school with pride and spirit, narrowly missing out on a semi final place.
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Geography News Making an active volcano. As a part of our Geography lesson “Earthquakes and volcanoes” a model of an active volcano was made as a group activity in an outdoor setup. Children came up with creative ideas for erupting the volcanoes…
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Parents on site Please can parents be aware that parents not be allowed in and on campus unless you have a pre booked appointment. This is not in order to be secretive rather it ties in with our Safeguarding / child protection policies…
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Extra Curricular Activities As mentioned before one of my targets for this year is to boost Extra curricular activities, be that sports, drama, clubs and societies or whatever. The soft skills that these activities develop is central to the preparedness of our pupils for the outside world…
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