While we try and stick to these dates, during the pandemic, there are sometimes occasions when we need to amend them and remain nimble. We will of course let parents know of these occasions.
The School closes for all national holidays.
2024-2025 Academic Year
Winter Term : Term 1
28th August Wednesday - 1st Term starts
28th October - 1st November Inclusive Half Term week
11th December End of term
Spring Term : Term 2
8th Jan Wednesday Term starts
February 24-26 Inclusive Short Mid Term break
Wednesday 2ndApril 2025 End of Term
Summer Term : Term 3
23rd April Wednesday Start of Term
Wednesday 2nd July 2025 End of Term
2025-2026 Academic Year
Provisional date – these may change but we try not to alter them dramatically.
Winter Term : Term 1
27th August Wednesday - 1st Term starts
20th October - 24th October Inclusive Half Term week