The Sixth Form Scholarship


Mr. Simon Northcott

At Stafford International School, we welcome a range of pupils with different talents, interests and backgrounds. We wish to help all our pupils develop into well-rounded individuals who can thrive and enjoy school and life beyond our gates.

In awarding scholarships, we seek boys and girls who wish to be ‘Scholars’ in the broadest sense; extending themselves and enriching the community. Stafford International School has a long tradition of recognising and nurturing pupils with potential and drive in a variety of fields. In addition to developing
their particular skills, we hope that a Stafford International School Scholar will act as a role model and inspiration to those around them. Teamwork and leadership are intrinsic to our expectations, together with an ongoing commitment to improvement.

We see scholarships as a recognition of excellence, not as a means  to allay financial need, but the School is determined to allow access wherever possible to the benefits of an Stafford International School education. Our scholarships therefore carry a limited fee remission.

I am delighted that you are considering Stafford International School for your daughter or son. We hope that this brochure gives you a flavour of what we have to offer and we look forward to hearing from you.

All scholarships are awarded according to performance and ability to pay up to a possible maximum value of a 100% remission of the School day fees. Honorary scholarships recognise achievement in exactly the same way as other awards, but carry no financial benefit. Candidates may apply for up to two scholarships. If the candidate is awarded a second scholarship, the total combined monetary value is capped at 100% of the School day fees.

We aim to set a consistent standard so that the number of awards made in any year is determined by the quality of candidates. Scholarships are awarded for the two years whilst at Stafford International School in that section (Yrs Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth). They are reviewed annually and may be withdrawn if it becomes apparent that the pupil is not demonstrating continued commitment to the subject or area.

Academic Scholarships

How do I apply ?

16+ We need to see a recent report from the applicant’s school so we can advise on a Scholarship application. Applicants are likely to be predicted 8s and 9s in their IGCSE examinations.

Who can apply?

An Academic Scholar can be characterised as ‘intelligent, interested and interesting’. They will have one or more subjects or intellectual pursuits that particularly excite them, as well as a demonstrable passion for learning in general. They should be keen to contribute to the intellectual life of the School and act as role models to their peers. If it is an internal candidate they must get permission from the Head of Middle School or Upper School to apply for a Scholarship. Only realistic candidates will be allowed to enter.

16+ Scholarship

Candidates are examined at Stafford in three academic subjects from those available to Upper School students, (normally those they intend to study at A-level). We then invite those candidates whose papers show scholarship potential to return to the School for subject interviews. We will send out papers from
the previous year.

Sport Scholarships

How do I apply ?

Potential applicants for a scholarship are encouraged to book a pre-assessment either at the child’s school or club, or at Stafford School, where they will receive guidance about the suitability of their application and areas for development. External candidates must fulfil Stafford’s academic entry requirements and are therefore required to sit the normal entrance examinations. We require a confidential supporting report from the Head of a candidate’s current school (we send a form for this along with the award application papers).

Who can apply?

16+ applicants will still be involved in the later stages of National Governing Bodies or academy pathways, following post 16 reselection, and will be aspiring to play elite sport after leaving School. If it is an internal candidate they must get permission from the Head of Middle School or Upper School
to apply for a Scholarship. Only realistic candidates will be allowed to enter.

How are candidates assessed?

At 16+ the Head of Sport reserves the right to call for assessment only those individuals whose applications demonstrate a high enough level of achievement in their sport.
Arrangements are made on an individual basis for this assessment, which varies from sport to sport.

Speech and Drama Scholarships

How do I apply ?

Candidates write a letter of application outlining what they can bring to Speech & Drama at Stafford and what are their aspirations, hopes and goals for their time here. The letter should also include a resumé of their performance work undertaken so far. They should also mention any theatre they have seen and enjoyed. If they are applying for a Speech (Debating etc) scholarship then suitable achievements and experience will be required. Candidates provide a recording of themselves (film) presenting the contents of the letter. This should not be simply read out, but ‘presented’ pitching themselves as a prospective candidate for a Speech and Drama Award. This film should be with the Head of Drama a week before their audition.

External candidates must fulfil Stafford’s academic entry requirements and are therefore required to sit the normal entrance examinations. We require a confidential supporting report from the Head of a candidate’s current school.

Who can apply?

We are looking for pupils who love watching and making Theatre or who love the challenge of a good debate; who will be passionate about performing; who will already have a keen regard for their own developmental process, and who will strive to enhance their own practice – all the while making a significant contribution to Theatre and Drama or the Debating Team at Stafford. If it is an internal candidate they must get permission from the Head of Middle School or Upper School to apply for a Scholarship. Only realistic candidates will be allowed to enter.

How are candidates assessed?

16+ candidates should prepare two pieces for audition: an extract from Shakespeare or a Jacobean playwright such as Marlowe, Webster, Tourneur, Middleton or Fletcher; the other should be from a published 20th or 21st Century play of choice. Neither extract should be longer than 3 minutes. If you are applying for the debating award then you should prepare two persuasive speeches (3 minutes) from the list we will supply.

Candidates will also take part in an hour-long workshop and be interviewed. They will be expected to engage in discussion about the theatre and their interest in it. The Head of Drama will be pleased to see and advise prospective candidates in advance of the audition. Theatre Design candidates in particular should make contact in good time to discuss assessment preparation.


For entry in September Applications Close

16+ February 21st 2022.

Assessment – If you are an internal candidate you must get permission from the Head of
Middle School or Upper School to apply for a Scholarship. Only realistic candidates will be allowed to enter.
16+ March 7/8/9 tbc

For further details please contact the school on 011 269 4592 /

Beforehand: Gather evidence and look around SIS if an external candidate
Submit your application on the relevant forms
Assessment days
Awards made for the following September's admission/year
Key dates
Deadline: 19th March